Terry Realty Group

Have you noticed that the builders are back in business and building new homes again?  Imagine it’s Saturday afternoon and you are driving by a new community.  You decide to make a quick stop in the model home to get some decorating ideas and learn more about the community.  Next thing you know…you’re in LOVE with the house and everything about it.  You think to yourself, “why not buy a new house?”  Moving forward is exciting and your mind is racing.  Here is a quick checklist of the top 3 things to do before you write a contract with the builder:

  1. Hire a Realtor.  While the onsite agent is very friendly and helpful, they represent the builder.  It’s important to have a Realtor represent your interest in the transaction.  A reputable builder will welcome your Realtor to the transaction and there is absolutely no additional cost to you for having your own representative.  It’s a win-win!
  2. Get details in writing.  Great builders will be able to show you writing all the basic and upgraded features that are included at the base price of the home.
  3. Hire a Mortgage Lender that is recommended to you by your agent or have worked with in the past.  Builders offer financing and closing costs incentives that appear attractive on the surface but may have hidden fees.  A trusted mortgage professional will help you compare the offers.